Sri Sri Anna Premika Jayanthi ever in our hearts : Celebrating HIS life and HIS contributions by Smt. Vishakha Manni

Source: Vishakha Hari's Vijayashri School of Harikatha

Link to the post on facebook   RADHEKRISHNA! Sri Krishnapremi Swamigal fondly called as Sri Anna is a Colossus, a living legend, considered as an Avathara Purusha by many of his devotees.  He has touched the hearts of one and all by His insightful deep pravachanams on almost all topics. Many wake up to his upanyasams, many live the whole day listening to his voice and I have seen many even sleep only when his voice is on. His voice, words of wisdom and soothing words of comfort have saved several lives and continue to do so all over the world. He has bestowed a sense of purposeful living to his thousands and lakhs of devotees.

It was the time when lectures and movements against  Bakthi, religion and spirituality was in full form. There arose a lion from its den of Senganoor ( ThiruSanganallur), to roar to the world the purpose of Religion, spirituality, bakthi, gnana and vairagya. Even in his teens He was a guiding spirit to bhajans, nama sankeerthana and worship of deities at temples.

Thousands thronged to hear his pravachanams, even climbed atop tree tops to get comfort to their wounded hearts, to anesthetise their  problems and sufferings with the medicine of his comforting words. Each word he speaks is from the Sastras, with authority, with immense conviction. Thousands turned into bakthas and ardent followers of his discourses.

An ardent devotee of Lord Krishna he built the temple of Sri BakthaKoalahalan (Krishna) at Paranoor. “Practise what you preach”—this mahaan exceptionally practices devotion all through his life inspiring devotees not just by his pravachan and works but by his way of life. From morning 6 am Prabodanam ( Suprabhatham),  Bhagavatha Parayanam, Unchavrithi( 7am to 12 pm), Afternoon pooja (Sringara, Bhog,Vishramanam at 12 pm), discourses in the afternoon ( 4pm), evening pooja, bhajans, to dolothsovam at night, his entire day is occupied by Krishna and Krishna alone.

Nights went in composing several granthams ( works) of different kinds:

1) Bakthi padam for children

2) Haribakthimanjusha—A teeka (commentary) on Naradabakthi suthram

3) Premika Geetha ( Like Bhagavad Gita)

4) KrishnabakthiRasodayam ( On Bakthi and its finer subtleties)

5) Rukmini parinayam, Janakivijayam- kavyas

6) Vasanthothsava nataka- Nataka

7) Brindavana Mahathmyam on the glory of Brindavan ( similar to Srimad Bhagavatham) 

8)  Divyadesha Vaibhavam on 108 divyadeshams

9) Vaishnava Samhitha

10) Radhikavilasachampu- Champukavyam

11) Ramakathamruthasaara ( Ramayana)

12) Bharathakathamrutham ( Mahabharatham)

13) Govindakathamrutham ( Bhagavatha Dasama Skandam)

14) Laghu and Bruhath sthothras on different deities of different kshetras, on Guru, Rama and Krishna, Radha—Sthothramalika, Aathmanivedanam-  slokas on self surrender

15) Vruththa shathakams- 100 slokams with 100 metres

16) Bhakthapurishasthvam on Shiva

17) Bhaktha Ratnavali---on devotees of all sampradaya

18) Harikathamruthalahari—a set of harikathas

19) Aacharya Hrudayam—Exploring the Heart of Sri Adi Shankara

20) Shathabhushani- questions on Advaitham answered

21) Alankara Granthams

22) Sahithya Sarani ( On Samskritha Sahithya)

23) Nyaya Nalini – ( Tarkam)

24) Tamil Brahmanragal Varalaaru

25) Sati Vijayam ( 103 Inspiring Women of India)

26) Adhyathma Bharatham ( Actual History of India)

27) Rishi Vijayam- 100 rishis of India

28) Bhagavatha Dharma Sastra – ( How to follow Rituals)

29) Shathakams- each comprising of 100 songs Radhika shathakam on Radha Devi, Govinda Shathakam on Krishna, Yugala Shathakam on Radhakrishna, Ranga Shathakam on Ranganatha, Raghava Shathkam on Rama

30) Telungu keerthanams, Kannada krithis, Tamil keerthnangal, Marathi abhangs

31) Keerthanavali- krithis on 108 Divyadesha deities 

The list goes on and on and on. Now we understand why He is called an Avatharapurusha. The reason does not stop with his compositions. He toured throughout India for several decades establishing the Akhila Bharatha Sadhu Sangams in Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Chennai, Kadayanallur, Tirunelveli, Madurai for exclusively spreading knowledge and bakthi. It expanded to Singapore, Dubai, Washington D.C , Chicago and other parts as Brahma Sabha started by him to promote our culture, heritage and spirituality outside India.

These are just a few aspects from the multi aspected mahaan.

Continued in CHAPTER 2: The Compassion

Chant mahamantra along with Sri Sri Anna

Chant mahamantra along with Sri Sri Anna


Joy to hear the Jayadevar Harikatha (14 Videos) from Smt Vishaka Hariji!

No Words to describe the miraculous and wondrous joy (TOPMOST!) when I received these YouTube links of Swami Jayadevar Upanyasam by Smt Vishaka Hariji just happy tears!

Sri Sri Krishna Premi Swamigal Sathsangam : Register for Sri Sri Anna's Video Discourse Access

Thirumangaiazhwar was one of the famous azhwars. He went to Nacchiar koil and started performing kainkaryam there. Perumal was waiting for thirumangaiazhwar to visit at his abode saranatha perumal, thirucherai. But thirumangaiazhwar continued to do the kainkaryam at nacchiar koil itelf. Perumal was waiting in the hope that thirumangaiazhwar being so close in nachhiar koil would come and see him. Perumal so much loved his devotee that he could not wait anymore and appeared in thitumangaiazhwars dream and requested him to visit his abode at tirucherai. But azhwar said he would come and visit him some time. perumal waited with hope. One day azhwar came to visit perumal at tirucherrai. But as soon as thirumangaiazhwar set foot on tirucherai, he was shocked to see all the very ground - pebbles, sand and stones all around tirucherai was completly transformed into salagramams. He could now only keep his foot on the salagramams and was perplexed and asked perumal why this has happened and how could he. Saranatha perumal then said, 'I was waiting for your thiruvadi sparsham all along and hence this transformation into salagramams'. This was similar to what Lord Krishna felt for Radhai (tvamasi mama jeevanam, tvamasi mama bhushanam, tvamasi mama bhava jalathi rathnam) in 19th Ashtapathi (Smarakarala kandanam mama sirasi mandanam - 19th Ashtapathi Vadasi Yathi).

Completed Transcriptions

yAhi mAdhava 17th Ashtapathi - pranayakalagha utsavam

rajani janita guru jagara ragakashayita
malasa nimesham

vahati nayanam anurAgAmivasputam
udita rasAbhinivesam.

yAhi mAdhava yAhi keshava
mAdhava kaitava vAdam

tAmanusara sarasIruhalochana
yAdava harati vIshadam

8 Flowers (Pushpam) to be offered as said by Sri Sri Anna

1 - Ahimsa Paramodharmaha
2 - Sarva Bhoota Daya Pushpam
3 - Kshama Visheshathaha Pushpam
4 - GnAnam Pushpam
5 - Tapas Pushpam
6 - DhyAnam Pushpam
7 - Atma Samarpanam
8 - Sathyam Pushpam

Lyrics of Ashtapadi 08

1. nindati candanamindu kiraNamanu vindati khEdamadhIramvyAla nilayamilanEna garalamiva kalayati malaya samIramsA virahE tava dInAmAdhava manasija vishikha bhayAdiva bhAvanayA tvayi lInA

2. aravilani patita madana sharAdiva bhavadavanAya vishAlamsahrdaya marmaNi varma karOti sajala nalinIdala jAlam(sA virahE)

3. kusuma vishikha sharatalpam analpa vilAsa kalA kamanIyamvratamiva tava parirambha sukhAya karOti kusuma shayanIyam(sA virahE)

4. vahati ca galita vilOcana jaladharam Anana kamalam udAramvidhumiva vikaTa vidhuntudadanta dalana galitAmrta dhAram(sA virahE)

5. vilikhati rahasi kurangamadEna bhavantam asamashara bhUtampraNamati makaramadhO vinidhAya karE ca sharam navacUtam(sA virahE)

6. pratipadam idamapi nigadati mAdhava tava caraNE patitA ahamtvayi vimukhE mayi sapadi sudhAnidhirapi tanutE tanudAham(sA virahE)

7. dhyAnalayEna puraha parikalpya bhavantam atIva durApamvilapati hasati viSidati rOdati cancati muncati tApam(sA virahE)

8 . ShrI jayadEva bhaNitam idam adhikam yadi manasA naTanIyamhari virahAkula vallava yuvati sakHi vacanam paTanIyam(sA virahE tava dIna)
